Game face tormentor
Game face tormentor

game face tormentor

Within Friday Night Funkin', Senpai is a vulgar Sore Loser and Spirit, while understandable, is still trying to steal the body of an innocent person.In particular, Daddy Dearest is genuinely distraught over how hellish the situation is, trying everything to stop Boyfriend, and is so devastated over his wife's corruption he rapidly corrupts after being forced to fight her. While still true within the mod, Corruption forces them to deal with the consequences of their actions in the most horrific way possible, losing everything in the process. Canonically, Girlfriend's parents are bastards who only care about themselves and their daughter.Justified, as Corruption Week 4 takes place after the canon Week 4.


  • Adaptational Location Change: Week 4 in the original Friday Night Funkin' took place on a highway at sunset, while Week 4 in the mod takes place in an unknown, foggy area.
  • Daddy Dearest, who was very adamant at keeping his daughter away from Boyfriend, now tries to stop him once and for all.
  • Even after losing to Boyfriend a second time, he simply demands they exit the game and leave him alone, only fighting back once Boyfriend attempts to delete him.
  • Senpai's hardcoded desire to win is depicted as a savior complex instead of a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing persona after realizing something's wrong, he holds the line thinking he can protect Girlfriend from Boyfriend, but becomes visibly forlorn once he realizes they're fighting together.
  • Mommy Mearest, an Ax-Crazy lady who tried to kill Boyfriend, is pulling out all the stops to try save Pico during their Week.
  • Pico, the mercenary who was hired to kill Boyfriend in the original game, got corrupted trying to save him from his corruption.
  • game face tormentor

    Adaptational Badass: In the original game, Daddy Dearest is the first enemy faced with some of the easiest songs in Corruption, he is the final uncorrupted enemy faced with some of the hardest songs in the entire mod.

    Game face tormentor